1439. Lunt


  1. (poss.) Thomas Lunt (d. 1627) m. ____; South Marston, Wilts., Eng.
  2. Henry Lunt (1609?–1662) m. Ann ____ (b. ca. 1621); Newbury, Mass.
  3. Mary Lunt (1648–1675) m. 1665 Ens. Nathaniel Goodwin (ca. 1642–1693); Reading, Mass.


Specific lineages in this family have been treated many times, notably by John J. Currier, Henry Lunt and Some of His Descendants, History of Newburyport, Mass., 1764–1909, 2 vols. (Newburyport, Mass: author, 1906–9), 2:503-61, and by Walter Goodwin Davis, The Ancestry of Abel Lunt, 1769–1806, of Newbury, Massachusetts (Portland, Me.: Anthoensen Press, 1963), 3-41. Davis, in particular, provides perhaps the finest introduction to the first four generations of the surname in America, and also speculates on a possible English origin.

Related surnames

719. Goodwin

Created 8 June 2003; last updated 8 June 2004.
Austin W. Spencer | email: spencer@rootedancestry.com