8073. Van Blericum


  1. Lubbert Gysbertszen van Blericum (ca. 1601–bef. 1656) m. Divertje Cornelis (d. bef. 1681); Rijp, Beemster, North Holland; Fort Orange, Staten Island, New Netherland
  2. Tryntje Lubbertse Van Blericum (d. bef. 1666) m. 1652 Hendrick Janszen Oosterom (d. aft. 1666); New Amsterdam, New Netherland; Bergen, N. J.


Some biographical information appears in Walter Kenneth Griffin, The Dutcher Family: To the Births of the Fifth Generation, with a Few Notes as to Subsequent Members, and as to the Ancestors of Allied Families. Also, the Revolutionary Members, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 30 (1909): 185-93, 249-58, at 191. More recently, the standard works are George Olin Zabriskie, The Van Blarcom Family of New Jersey: Eight Generations, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 99 (1968): 141-50, et seq., and Harry Macy Jr., Gerritsen–Garrison, Van Wicklen, Hardenburgh, Wiltsie: Descendants of Gerrit Lubbertsen of Jamaica, L.I., New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 116 (1985): 154-63, 202-10.

Related surnames

1009. Oosterom

No additional information on the ancestors of Divertje Cornelis is available at this time.

Created 17 September 2013.
Austin W. Spencer | email: spencer@rootedancestry.com