747. Smith
- Christopher Smith (d. 1676) m. 1616 Alice Gibbes (d. aft. 1681); Stratford-upon-Avon, Warks., Eng.; Newport, R. I.
- Edward Smith (16331693) m. 1663 Anphillis Angell (d. aft. 1693); Providence, R. I.
- Edward Smith (d. 1726) m. Mercy Mowry; Providence, R. I.
- Mercy Smith (17141800) m. (1) ca. 1736 Nathaniel Scott (17111744); Providence, Smithfield, R. I.; Adams, Mass.
751. Smith
- Edward Smith (d. 1726) m. Mercy Mowry; Providence, R. I.
- Amie Smith m. 1737 Thomas Arnold Jr. (17131749); Providence, Smithfield, R. I.
In most respects, the summary of this family in John Osborne Austin, The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island; Comprising Three Generations of Settlers Who Came Before 1690 (1887; reprint, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1978), 376-8, is suitable, although not documented with the precision expected of a modern publication.
The best overall account of this family to appear in recent years is Dean Crawford Smith, The Ancestry of Emily Jane Angell, 18441910, ed. Melinde Lutz Sanborn (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1992), 466-79.
Christophers origin in England, and his placement as the father of William, Christopher, Simon, and Joseph Smith, and Mary (Smith) Partridge, all of Hartford, Connecticut, were discovered more recently still. Preliminary results are reported in Kathleen Kitty
Cooper Smith and Christopher Child, William Shakespeare and the Christopher Smith Family,
American Ancestors 17, no. 1 (Winter 2016): 50-3.
This article emphasizes the importance of Y-chromosome studies in suggesting a close kinship among the men. A more formal report, with extended treatment of all the family heads, is expected to appear in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register.
Further details on Mercy Smith are provided by Ruth Wilder Sherman and Robert Moody Sherman, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims Who Landed at Plymouth, Mass. December 1620, vol. 13, Family of William White, rev. ed., ed. Robert S. Wakefield (Plymouth, Mass.: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1997), 133-4, and
William Bradford Browne, Records of the Society of Friends at East Hoosuck (Adams), Massachusetts,
New England Historical and Genealogical Register 71 (1917): 16-28, at 18.
Related surnames
2989, 3001, 3005. Angell · 375, 745. Arnold · 1495, 1501. Mowry · 373, 53509, 53525. Scott
No additional information on the Gibbes family is available at this time.
Austin W. Spencer | email: spencer@rootedancestry.com